Why your Salon must have a Facebook page
Most salon owners got into business because they believe that owning a Salon will offer them freedom and fulfilment. They have a passion for helping people, they love the industry, and they know that they can offer truly outstanding services to clients. However, for many, the ‘freedom and fulfilment’ part of owning a salon never seems to happen. In fact you may be working longer and harder for less money and you face the constant struggle to get clients in the door. You face a tremendous amount of competition in your trading zone and you are finding it more and more difficult to market your business and get new clients. Now imagine that one day as you are going about doing your business, your telephone rings and on the other end of the line is an Advertising Rep. He tells you that he has great news. He lets you know that they have just increased the readership of their newspaper to over four hundred million people. (That’s right, I said four hundred million!) But, there’s more good news. The readers of the newspaper are always writing in asking for more information about businesses just like yours. Now if you are still not convinced, the Rep also tells you that he is calling to offer you a full page ad every week for free. You have to agree with me, that would be a dream come true! Well snap out of it, it is not a dream, this is now reality – Facebook reality.
If you still don’t have a Facebook page for your Salon, then I have to tell you that you are mad. I am not a gambling man but I am willing to bet my house that if you did a quick survey of your customer database, the overwhelming majority of your customers are already on Facebook. So are their friends and so are their family. Plus, marketing your Salon through your own Facebook page is free! It doesn’t get any better than this. This is a marketers dream.
If you are still not convinced, then take a look at this short video on social media. It is only 2 minutes long, but it could change your life.