Archive for Salon Management

Staff Meetings that work!

Aug 04, 2013 No Comments by

We can all agree that it is not just the building the lush furnishings and the great wallpaper that makes your Salon or Spa a success but in fact, it is the people inside your business that makes it a huge success. There are many ways that we engage our staff to offer good customer […]

Salon Management Read more

How you book your treatments can make or break your business – Part 2

Feb 18, 2013 2 Comments by

This post follows on from part 1 on how bookings can make or break your business Booking 101 1) Always get the clients to  name the treatment they want and when they would like it. (note pad is essential as they will ask questions, talk to quickly and give you golden nuggets of information that will help […]

Customer Service, Salon Management Read more

MAKE IT HAPPEN THIS YEAR!!!!!! Business health checklist and tips for a bumper year.

Feb 13, 2013 No Comments

The Health and Wellness Industry is STILL the fastest growing industry!  However, competition is getting stronger, the spa goer is more educated and making more informed decisions, service expectations are much higher than they have ever been and value for money is now a deal breaker. Every year I write about how to take your […]

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How you book your treatments can make or break your business – Part 1

Feb 11, 2013 No Comments

Your client’s first impression of your salon/spa can either make or break you. And where is the first point of contact in your Salon or Spa? The first point of contact with a new client is your “front of house staff.” They can either make a client feel that her needs are being attended to […]

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Mar 13, 2012 3 Comments

Not having a USP (unique selling point) is as bad as not having a credit card payment facility in your business.  You may as well not trade or else just be happy plodding along.  The reality is that every single industry and every single business planning to open requires a USP and in fact if […]

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Are you driving the bus or are you a passenger?

Jan 19, 2012 No Comments

Time for a reality check. The Holidays are gone…Christmas is over…It’s back to work, back to school, back to business… Today is the 19th January, by now you may have already made and broken your New Year’s resolutions. The Dictionary defines a resolution as, “the act of resolving or determining upon a course of action.” […]

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Dec 22, 2011 No Comments

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR BUSINESS The Health and Wellness Industry is no doubt still one of the fastest growing industries in the world!  With this in mind I am sure you are feeling like competition is getting stronger, the spa goer is more educated on different types of treatments and service expectations […]

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Last few months of 2011 – How will your Business fare?

Sep 11, 2011 No Comments

As spend is still tight, it is crucial that customer service is 100 per cent as value is going to be a major theme for the latter part 2011. The idea is to ensure that your clients keep coming back to your spa for all their treatments and also to achieve a higher docket value.  […]

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