Give your walk in customers more SEX
That’s right, consumers need SEX from your Salon. Your loyal customers want it and walk in clients are desperate for it!
Let me explain what I mean. According to bestselling author and Small Business Guru Michael Gerber, customers today don’t visit Spa’s and Salons to buy products and services. The truth is your prospects and customers can buy your products and services from hundreds of other Salons. Consumers want something more than a facial, a wax or a cut and blow, they want a customer buying experience. How do you create an unforgettable buying experience? You give them SEX – which is short for Service EXcellence.
Salon Owners in South Africa don’t understand the growth and profit available for small businesses that focus all their energy on building relationships and satisfying the customer. In our day and age, a Spa or Salon can’t rely on traditional resources to stay ahead of the competition. You can’t rely on unique products because all your competitors have access to the same suppliers. You can’t rely on price either. How many competitors do you have in your trading zone who offers similar products and services to you at similar prices? You can’t rely on your range of services because everyone has the same services on their treatment menu. You can’t rely on your location because sooner rather than later someone is going to open a Salon on your doorstep. You can’t rely on your special knowledge either because these days, everyone has access to the internet. All business issues being equal, only outstanding customer service will guarantee the long-term survival of a Beauty Business in today’s competitive environment.
Unfortunately, most Spa’s and Salon’s do not provide unforgettable customer service. I can guarantee you that your competitors are delivering below standard service. For an Entrepreneur like yourself, this is a massive opportunity. All you have to do to set yourself apart from the herd is to be prepared with the right tools and ideas. Here is a step by step plan of action complete with all the tools to give your customers SEX – Service Excellence.
The best time to give your customer an unforgettable buying experience is the very first time you meet her. After all, you don’t get a second chance to make a good impression. Here is a simple but extremely powerful customer service idea that is guaranteed to impress prospects and get walk in customers coming back.
Imagine that a consumer has taken time out of her busy schedule to walk into your Salon. (In most Salons this happens every day, but few business make this most of this marketing opportunity) You take her on a quick ‘sales’ tour of the Salon. For a step by step guide on how to do this click here. You capture her contact details, give her a treatment menu and present her with a ready-made special offer. But now you go one step further.
Using a ready-made sms and email template, after the prospect walks out of your business, send her an pre made special offer via email and an sms that says
“Clients First Name” it was fantastic meeting you today. We have sent you a VIP Gif that we know you will love. Please check your email asap – Salon Name & Tel”
The idea is to send this sms as quickly as possible so that your prospect receives it before she even gets into her car.
When your prospect checks her email she finds a gorgeous Sales Letter that looks like it has been created especially for her. (Actually it was created in advance, all you did was add in her name) The letter leads her through a carefully crafted sales process that includes
- A thank you that makes her feel like she is already a valued VIP customer
- A value added special offer for first time clients
- A risk free satisfaction guarantee that gives her every reason to say yes to doing business with you.
- An expiry date to create a sense of urgency.
- Seven great reasons why your Salon is the only Salon in your trading area that should be allowed to take care of all her beauty needs
- A powerful, compelling call to action that will get your walk in customer to phone and book in an appointment.
- A special bonus for making the appointment now!
Guess what happens when walk in customers receive a sales letter like this? They are blown away by your professionalism and they are persuaded to do business with you. How many of your competitors currently do this? ABSOLUTELY NONE. How many of your walk-in clients have ever experienced service like this from another Salon? NONE!
Now for the good news. Salon Management Studio has taken the hard work and thinking out of giving walk-in clients the SEX, the service excellence that they deserve. We are not just giving you an easy to use email marketing system for your Salon, we are even giving you the complete sales ideas, tools and templates that will boost your sales. Salon Studio Customers can go to the Marketing Store inside of Salon Studio and get access to this ready made sales letter for walk in customers. Follow the instructions and add in your special offer, salon name and contact details. Then save the HTML Template in your Documents folder so that you can quickly and easily use it for every clients who walk in the door.
Sales Guru Jeffrey Gitomer says, “Very few people are willing to do the hard work it takes to make sales easy.” Make sure you get your hands on this must have Salon CRM and Marketing system because we have done the hard work that makes it easy for you to increase revenue and get your scheduler full!